Hailing from the far maritime reaches of Prince Edward Island to the frozen landscape of Alaska and everywhere in between, sixteen principals gathered in Orlando, Florida this past month for CSI’s Principal Development Institute (PDI). This annual professional development event is designed to provide relatively new principals with the opportunity to improve their skills and grow lasting relationships with fellow principals.
Facilitated by CSI President, Joel Westa, and CSI Board Chair and experienced administrator Glenn Vos, the participants spent three days together building relationships and discussing topics ranging from sustainability, governance, educational leadership, and strategic planning. Great (and abundant) food, wonderful conversation, and focused teaching was also balanced with time to contemplate and reflect.
“The Principal Development Institute was a great time to get away, to think, to process, and discuss issues facing our schools and Christian education,” observed a PDI participant.
History tells us that the bonds formed at PDI and other professional development events led by CSI last a lifetime and provide our administrators with a network of likeminded peers whom they can reach to in times of need.
We would like to thank our generous donors for supporting PDI. The majority of PDI’s cost is covered for these educators, which is a great benefit provided by CSI for our member schools.
To find out more about professional development opportunities for school leaders, visit our Leadership Development page.
Sixteen principals from North America gathered for a time of collaboration, training, and strategic planning.