Christian Schools International is a leader in Christian education services.
As a leader in Christian education services, our mission is to support schools in their task of teaching students to know God and his world, and to glorify him through service to others.
Founded in 1920, Christian Schools International was the first national organization to exclusively serve Christian schools. We believe faith and learning are inseparably linked, with God’s Word as the foundation for truth found in every academic subject. Whether through accreditation, curriculum, employee benefits, or leadership development, we’re dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of Christian schools as they seek to transform the world for Christ.
We believe that Christian education is firmly rooted in God's Word and God's world, and we profess the following statements of faith:
A biblically informed curriculum points to God as the source of all truth, leads students toward biblical wisdom and a response to God's call to discipleship, and nurtures all students toward Christlike living. God's truth permeates every academic subject and educational initiative. Faith is embedded in curriculum, and faith and learning are inseparable.
Everything is created by God– from the smallest molecule to the greatest star. God equips humans with the gift of research and discovery so that every aspect of his creation can be known in his appointed time.
God created humans in his image as whole persons– spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. We have both the freedom and the responsibility to develop each of these areas of our lives. Our creator wants for us to discover, probe, and seek after knowledge in every discipline.
While the latest theories and discoveries may attempt to undermine God, nothing can shake our faith in the creator of the universe. This profession does not mean blind adherence to our beliefs. Rather, we must use our minds to recognize and make the case for truth. Along the way, we must show mercy, promote justice, and share in the work of Jesus as we collaborate to make the world a better place.
Chief Executive Officer
616-957-1070 x109
Director of Operations and Membership
616-957-1070 x108
Director of Marketing
616-957-1070 x105
Administrative and Sales Manager
616-957-1070 x101
HR & Employee Benefits Specialist
877-274-8796 x227
Marketing Assistant
616-957-1070 x104
Director of Accreditation
616-957-1070 x106
Manager of Accreditation Support
616-957-1070 x107
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
Accreditation Regional Coordinator
877-274-8796 x228
Consultative Services/Membership
James Bruinsma, Chair – Grand Rapids, MI
Brant Epperhart, Treasurer – Denver, CO
Rudi Gesch – Sheboygan, WI
Glenn Vos – West De Moines, IA
Ruth Kuder, Vice Chair – Wayne, NJ
Chris Rast – Lynden, WA
Eric Segaar, Secretary – Ripon, CA
Wayne Sit – Ann Arbor, MI
Take a closer look at our 2023–2024 Impact Report, which reflects on the programs and services provided to our member schools, along with a preview of what is ahead in 2024–2025.
Take a closer look at our 2022–2023 Annual Report, which reflects on the programs and services provided to our member schools.
Christian Schools International prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, social background, or disability in administration of any of its activities, policies, programs, or operations.