Virtual Gatherings

In the Loop

In the Loop is a lineup of monthly gatherings and conversations for CSI member school leaders. This virtual format allows leaders in similar roles from our community of CSI schools to gather, grow, learn, and share. 

Christian School Outcomes: Delivering on Our Promises

Thursday, December 12 at 12:30 p.m. EST

Are Christian schools keeping their promises when it comes to student outcomes? The Cardus Education Survey (CES) has been fielded multiple times in the US, with the latest administration in Fall 2023. The survey tracks outcomes by school sector related to academics and degree attainment, faith and values, career and family choices, measures of well-being, and more. This session will provide the latest snapshot of Christian school sector outcomes and engage participants in dialogue around what findings mean for schools, students, and families.

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Dr. Lynn Swaner is the president, US at Cardus, a non-partisan think tank dedicated to clarifying and strengthening, through research and dialogue, the ways in which society’s institutions can work together for the common good. A CACE senior fellow, recognized scholar, and former Christian school leader, Dr. Swaner is the editor or lead author of numerous books related to Christian education, including Future Ready: Innovative Missions and Models in Christian Education (Cardus & ACSI, 2022) and Flourishing Together: A Christian Vision for Students, Educators, and Schools (Eerdmans, 2021).

How to “Reset” the Bible to Get Students Engaged 

Thursday, January 16 at 12:30 p.m. EST

Bible literacy among Gen Z is in freefall, and educators are struggling to come up with innovative solutions. Learn how to set up students for success when it comes to reading God’s Word. Alex Goodwin, author of The Bible Reset, will explain how some long-held norms around Bible reading can be “reset” in order to help the next generation become truly immersed in Scripture.

Headshot of Alex Goodwin

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Alex Goodwin is the author of The Bible Reset and co-creator of Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience. A self-described “regular guy,” Alex is not a scholar or a pastor—just a Christian who once struggled to connect with the Bible. He writes with empathy, reinforcing with his own story that the book’s promise is entirely doable.

Save the remaining 2024–2025 dates, which occur the third Thursday of each month:

February 20: Deep Change Takes Community

March 20: Guiding Schools to Flourish: Board Governance and School Leadership

April 17: Setting (and Actually Accomplishing!) Your Strategic Enrollment Goals

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