PDI Supports New Administrators

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2016 PDI group

The sixth annual Principal Development Institute (PDI) was held on February 3–5, 2016, in Orlando, Florida. PDI is designed for administrators in a Christian Schools International member school who have served in that capacity for less than ten years. During the event, the twenty leaders focus on critical areas of school leadership, including instruction and learning, strategic thinking, and building communities of grace.

PDI seeks to engage participants in their own learning. The curriculum includes four step-back consulting segments as participants engage in presenting real school issues and strategizing on appropriate solutions. This year’s institute was led by Joel Westa, CSI CEO/president, and Jeff Blamer, CSI vice president of member services. PDI participants return to their communities with a new network of colleagues and resources from the CSI family.

One new administrator said, “As I am new’ish’ in this calling as principal, I really needed the content, activities, and fellowship of this group. I walked away much more equipped in leading my school. I feel like I made some friends for life as well.”

Directed donations to Christian Schools International cover registration fees, lodging, and meal expenses, so that selected participants are only responsible for travel expenses. Said one participant, “In a time where schools are watching their budgets more than ever, it is a blessing to have the cost of this event underwritten by generous donors. It gave me a chance to meet with other colleagues for a time of professional growth and development and spiritual renewal. I greatly appreciated the encouragement and support I felt from everyone who attended PDI.”

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