Heyboer to Serve as Director of Product Development

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It is with great pleasure that Christian Schools International announces the appointment of Rachael Heyboer as the new director of product development at Christian Schools International.

For the past nine years Heyboer has been responsible for leading the development of three iconic curriculum products for CSI: the revision of CSI 2nd Edition Science curriculum, the And It Was Good science worldview teacher resource, and the CSI Bible curriculum Walking With God and His People.

Heyboer has been with CSI for over thirteen years, primarily in the Product Development Department and Publication Department, where she has shown exemplary performance and exceptional dedication to each role she has served.

In her new leadership role, Heyboer will be responsible for managing new ways that CSI will serve schools through curriculum and instruction via professional development opportunities, conventions and workshops, and product development in the areas of Bible and science education.

Christian Schools International is pleased and blessed to have such an amazing individual who is dedicating her life to Christian education and the CSI mission for the kingdom.

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