Educators Leadership Development Institute Meets in Washington

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2017 ELDI Group in Sumas, WA

From July 10-14, 18 teachers, vice principals, and emerging principals from CSI schools met in Sumas, Washington, for the Educators Leadership Development Institute (ELDI). This annual gathering brings together emerging leaders so they can learn from practicing administrators and explore their abilities through administration assessment exercises.

ELDI group participating in a learning sessionELDI is a weeklong principal boot camp, designed for educators who are considering the call to school leadership. ELDI participants probe their own gifts and strengths and are challenged to consider the biblical calling of leaders. Through presentations and group activities, participants also engage in conversations around school governance, board relations, instructional leadership, parent/school partnerships, supervision, and communities of grace.

In addition to four facilitators, this year’s participants included eleven from the US and seven from Canada.

See more photos of the 2017 ELDI on our Facebook page.

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