CSI Encourages Members to Celebrate Reformed Education Heritage

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CSI Staff

October 31, 2017, will mark the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Christian Schools International is encouraging member regions, districts, teacher organizations, and affiliates to join together to celebrate the common reformed educational heritage that emerged from the Reformation.

We are a diverse community of schools, and our schools serve families from many different denominations. This celebration is not intended to focus on church doctrine or denominational affiliation. Instead, it is intended to focus on the rich heritage from which a reformed educational worldview emerged and Christian schools with a reformed educational philosophy were founded.

Christian Schools International (CSI) is inviting you to consider:

  1. Designating the week of October 30, 2017, as Christian Education Week. Save the date now.
  • CSI annually has designated a week in April as Christian Education Week. Many of our schools and communities participate. To celebrate this 500th anniversary, for 2017–2018 we will designate the week of October 30, 2017, as Christian Education Week, and we invite you to do the same.
  • Adopting the theme for the week (and perhaps all of 2017–18) of Cultivating Community.
    • The Midwest CEA has already chosen this theme and will be emphasizing calling, work, and worship within their fall teacher convention.
    • For those teacher associations and regions that hold fall conferences and events, we invite you to consider using this theme or incorporating mention of the anniversary into your event.
  • Adopt Romans 12: 4–5 as the theme scripture: “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
  • Consider special events:
    • CSI is suggesting that each school read the Bible in its entirety aloud during the week. Set up a designated reading room and have the text read by a variety of staff members/parents/pastors/students/classes through the week. It is estimated this will take about 70 hours. This idea comes from Midwest CEA, which is considering doing this during its fall convention.

    CSI will be producing school/church bulletin inserts and other helps. We also invite you to suggest special events and ideas for us to assemble and share with all of you. Please send your suggestions to Jeff Blamer jblamer@csionline.org any time before January 27, 2017. CSI will make materials available on the CSI website by April 1, 2017.

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