Ann Arbor Alum Presents at Conference

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Ann Arbor Christian School alum presents at Women in Educational Leadership Conference

Lina Reis built on an assignment she wrote for her eighth-grade language arts class at Ann Arbor (Michigan) Christian School to earn a spot as a presenter at last fall’s Women in Educational Leadership Conference, held at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. The topic of Lina’s persuasive essay was the cost of higher education and the need for creative solutions to resolve the issue. After completing her essay, she retooled it to craft a proposal to submit to conference organizers, who invited Lina to present at the event.

Lina credits her teachers with preparing her to make a professional presentation, not only through academic assignments, but by encouraging her to pursue her dreams. Having attended the conference before with her mother, who teaches at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, also helped her to prepare for her presentation, titled “The Cost of Higher Education: Should Public Institutions Be Free?” which was heard by 20 professionals who attended her session. She is the youngest presenter in the conference’s 29-year history.

Lina graduated from Ann Arbor Christian last spring. The Women in Educational Leadership Conference is held annually and focuses on research topics of interest to women in higher education.

See Marcia Mitchell’s original article in the Beacon (PDF).

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