Students at Hamilton District Christian High Set New Guinness World Record

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Hamilton District Christian High students create Guinness record-length chain of candy canes

On December 15, students in the Food and Nutrition class at Hamilton District Christian High in Ancaster, Ontario, set a new Guinness World Record for the longest chain of candy canes ever.

The 1.47 km chain was created with 7,335 candy canes from Karma Candy in Hamilton. The Guinness World Record Organization flew in an official judge from New York City to count and monitor each candy cane, and surveyors came in to measure the exact length for the final results.

Together with World Vision Canada, HDCH participated in this initiative to raise awareness of food insecurity on local, national, and international levels. After the record, the candy canes were given to Hamilton Salvation Army, which serves those struggling with food insecurity and homelessness.

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