Dual Credit Opportunities From Christian Colleges and Universities

College campus photo with students
College campus photo with students
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Over the years most of the CSI member High Schools have begun to offer dual credit classes to their upperclassmen.  Most schools have created those connections with schools in their proximity.  At times the schools that are available might not match your core values or truly advance your educational mission.  CSI has contacted the Christian Colleges and Universities that teach from a Biblical Worldview that would be in sync with our member schools.  Listed below is a brief description of what each school that responded thus far to our request offers for dual credit and contact information.  If other schools respond later, we will put that in a future edition of Between Members.

Dordt University offers online Dual Credit courses for high school juniors and seniors each fall, spring, and summer. The courses are asynchronous and designed to work with a high school student’s existing schedule. Courses include common college requirements, such as English Composition, and introductory courses to specific majors, such as Introduction to Education and Introduction to Nursing Practice. Dual credit students receive a discounted tuition rate and additional discounts are available for schools by joining Dordt’s partnership program.

Contact Joe Bakker, Director of Online Education, at joe.bakker@dordt.edu ;or 712-722-6379.

Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL offers individual high school students to take up to two courses at Trinity in any semester. Requirements include students having a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) and approval from the high school.  In-person and limited online courses are available. Apply at https://admissions.trnty.edu/apply/ and Contact Andrea Mossuto at Andrea.Mossuto@trnty.edu or 708-239-4812 for more information.

High Schools may also pursue dual-credit opportunities with Trinity. Contact Mike Morsovillo at ude.ytnrt@ollivosroM.ekiM or 708-239-4892 for more information.

Geneva College’s Early College program partners with Christian high schools to provide students the opportunity to take college courses—in their high school or online—for a fraction of the cost. With a focus on faith integration, high-quality instruction and academic rigor, Geneva College works with schools to offer a variety of accredited courses that can transfer widely.  Teachers at the partner high school who are qualified and approved to instruct college-level courses work with the corresponding academic department at Geneva to develop their course syllabi and conduct these classes at the high school. Course offerings often include, but are not limited to, English Composition, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and American or European History. Additionally, the partner high school can offer their students the option to enroll in over 20 of our online course options. These courses are all asynchronous to provide flexibility in scheduling. Popular courses include Introduction to Psychology, English Composition, General Chemistry, and Introduction to Statistics among others.

For more information contact Peggy Duguid, Director of Crossroads: Geneva’s Center for Enriched Learning at maduguid@geneva.edu> or 724-847-6891.

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