CSI Introduces Bible Instruction Symposium

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CSI is pleased to announce our first professional development opportunity for teachers of Bible. The two-day event will be held February 14–16, 2018, at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. The CSI Bible Instruction Symposium promises to be a unique event with rich learning and practical hands-on application. Everything about it—from the event space, to the speakers, to the lodging, to the networking opportunities—will make it an event to remember!

The Museum of the Bible is located in the heart of DC right off the National Mall and boasts an impressive collection of artifacts that meets, and in some cases exceeds, the quality of other nearby institutions. The 430,000 square foot building is set to open November 17, 2017. The CSI Bible Instruction Symposium will be the first group of educators that the museum will host, and CSI is thrilled to share this milestone with them.

Due to our generous donors and sponsors, CSI is able to provide this opportunity to its member schools for a total of $250 per participant. The cost includes registration, lodging, meals, and travel (up to $500). Apply now; spots are limited! Only 30 educators will be accepted. Visit csibibleinstructionsymposium.com to learn more, or sign up for a virtual conversation at Adobe Connect.

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