Obtaining Provisional Accreditation for Your School

Learn more about Christian Schools International’s process for accrediting Christian schools in Iowa.

Sully Christian School in Iowa
CSI is honored to accredit schools in Iowa, including Sully Christian School in Sully, IA.
Coram Deo Academy in Iowa
CSI is honored to accredit schools in Iowa, including Coram Deo Academy in Davenport, IA.

Why CSI?

As the leader in Christian education services, Christian Schools International’s (CSI) mission is to support schools in their task of teaching students to know God and his world and to glorify him through service to others. Founded in 1920, CSI was the first national organization to exclusively serve Christian schools. We believe faith and learning are inseparably linked, with God’s word as the foundation for truth found in every academic subject. 

Recognition in Iowa

In partnership with the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE), CSI is excited to offer the process outlined below to obtain candidacy with provisional accreditation status for both new and currently established schools in Iowa! CSI is recognized by the Iowa Department of Education as an approved accrediting association in the state of Iowa. A school that is provisionally accredited by CSI is recognized by the State Board of Education as an accredited school with the same privileges and opportunities extended to state accredited private schools. The provisionally accredited school is included on the Iowa Department of Education list of accredited schools, receives a school identification number for access to EdPortal, and is eligible to receive education savings account (ESA) funding.

Inwood Christian School in Iowa
CSI is honored to accredit schools in Iowa, including Inwood Christian School in Inwood, IA.

The Impact of ESAs on Accessing Christian Education

The Students First Act, passed by the Iowa legislature in January 2023, allows families to use state taxpayer education funds towards qualified school expenses, including tuition and fees. These funds are placed in an education savings account (ESA), and parents direct where they want the dollars to go. Most parents will direct the dollars toward their child’s tuition account. The amount of the ESA funding is $7,635 per student.

Who is eligible for an ESA? The full rollout of the Students First Act will take place over the next three years. By the 2025–26 school year, all families at an approved accredited private school will receive this funding to use toward their child(ren)’s education expenses.

YEAR 1 (2023–2024)YEAR 2 (2024–2025)YEAR 3 (2025–2026) and forward
  • All kindergarten students
  • All students transferring from public schools
  • Christian school students at or below 300% of the federal poverty level
  • All kindergarten students
  • All students transferring from public schools
  • Christian school students at or below 400% of the federal poverty level
  • All K–12 students in Iowa, regardless of income

The CSI Process for Building a Strong Foundation

1. Introductory Zoom

During this Zoom session, schools will learn about the CSI process, expectations, and support. CSI will outline the required steps for a school to take to become a candidate with provisional accreditation status.

2. Application for CSI Membership

Schools must be members of CSI to be accredited through CSI. Learn more about CSI membership here.

3. Application Approval and Payment of Membership Fees

The CSI Membership Committee approves membership applications and invoices annual membership fees to schools on a prorated basis.  

4. Five Training Modules

Modules outline various topics while also providing school leaders with the tools they need to be successful. In addition, schools are partnered with their own experienced coach, an expert in the field who can answer questions, provide guidance, and offer feedback and support.

5. Accreditation Referral

Upon completion of all modules, each school’s coach will provide an accreditation referral to CSI.

6. Application for Candidacy with Provisional Accreditation Status

Schools complete a two-part online provisional accreditation application that requires the submission of multiple documents and other narrative information which evidences each school’s compliancy with specific quality assurances established by CSI and inclusive of identified state-specific requirements.   

7. Application Approval and Payment of Associated Fees

Upon approval by the CSI Accreditation Commission and payment of accreditation fees, schools will be granted Candidacy with Provisional Accreditation Status and provided a formal letter and certificate documenting the school’s accreditation. At this time, the school’s accredited status is submitted to the Iowa Department of Education and the school is eligible to be a recipient of ESA funding.  

8. Host a CSI Representative

The school must host a CSI-appointed representative on campus for a preliminary accreditation site visit within eight weeks of the start of school and when students are present. The purpose of this visit is to verify compliance with all policies and procedures required by accreditation. A CSI representative will then visit the campus annually while the school holds provisional status.  

9. Complete the Self-Study Journey within Three Years

After gaining candidacy with provisional accreditation status, schools have three years to complete the full accreditation journey with CSI. This journey includes an intensive Self-Study, the establishment of a School Improvement Plan, and the hosting of a successful on-campus accreditation site visit.   

The Modules

The five modules are flexible and intended to be responsive to a school’s needs and timeline.

Established schools work through a customized checklist of items based on their school’s needs, supported by editable templates and a coach. The CSI models and process are highly adaptable for individual schools.

Module 1: A Firm Foundation

Topics: School models, purpose, mission, vision, philosophy, statement of faith, goals, establishment, articles of incorporation, bylaws, governance, and more 



  • Comprehensive checklist
  • Resource packet
  • Zoom meeting with coach
  • 11 editable templates for school use

Module 2: Building Up

Topics: Facilities, fundraising, handbooks, budget, tuition modeling, personnel, hiring, employee benefits, and more 




  • Comprehensive checklist
  • Resource packet
  • Zoom meeting with coach
  • 50 editable templates for school use

Module 3: The Core

Topics: Curriculum, instruction, assessment, technology, behavior plan, professional development, worship opportunities, service opportunities, and more 



  • Comprehensive checklist
  • Resource packet
  • Zoom meeting with coach
  • 30 editable templates for school use

Module 4: Adding Details

Topics: Marketing, media, admissions and enrollment process, playground, schedules and calendar, co-curricular activities, security, communication, and more 



  • Comprehensive checklist
  • Resource packet
  • Zoom meeting with coach
  • 34 editable templates for school use

Module 5: Finishing Touches

Topics: Signage, supplies, trainings, orientation and induction, safety, traditions, and more 



  • Comprehensive checklist
  • Resource packet
  • Zoom meeting with coach
  • 27 editable templates for school use

Getting Started

Each module begins with a 1-hour Zoom session with the school’s assigned coach.  School leaders and planning teams will then be provided with the slides from each module’s session along with a checklist of what needs to be accomplished for the next steps in the planning process. 

Typically, schools complete the module process and earn provisional accreditation within 3–6 months. Please note that established schools will likely not require this level of support. The modules are highly adaptable for individual schools.

The school will not be on this journey alone; in addition to coaching, slides, and checklists, CSI also provides a packet of helpful resources, templates, and examples related to each area of school planning. We look forward to walking alongside Iowa Christian schools on this journey! 

Partnership with CACE

Through our partnership with the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE), CSI is able to provide the module process and a coach who will walk through each step of this journey with a school.  

Begin the Journey to Accreditation

If you are interested in learning more about obtaining candidacy with provisional accreditation status in Iowa through CSI, contact Sheryl L. Jo, director of CSI accreditation, or Josh Bowar, CACE director of school relations. 

Headshot of Sheryl Jo, director of accreditation

Sheryl L. Jo


616-957-1070 x106

Josh Bowar



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