Task Force Concludes Its Work

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CSI Staff

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In November 2014 the Board of Trustees of CSI appointed a task force to re-imagine the relationship among CSI, its three Canadian Regions (and their Regional Offices) and the Christian schools in Canada that are (or might become) members of CSI.

The task force (or its representatives) met in person in Toronto, Port Huron, Chicago, Vancouver and Denver and also held videoconference meetings and extensive correspondence by e-mail. In addition, the President/CEO of CSI met with representatives of a number of Canadian schools to solicit their thoughts and views.

In July 2016, the task force reached the unanimous conclusion that common ground among them on several important relationship issues could not be found at this time, although information and opinions had been shared and debated resulting in improved understanding of all members’ points of view. The task force reported this conclusion to the CSI Board of Trustees at its meeting in August 2016 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The report of the task force was accepted by the Board, and the task force has been discharged with the Board’s thanks for its efforts. Several incremental steps to enhance relationships will be reported to the Executive Committee with a view to implementation of them in the absence of a thoroughly re-imagined relationship.

In the best interest of CSI and all its Regions and members and in order to safeguard the trust needed for productive internal discussions on this and other issues in the future, the task force members agreed that the substance and detail of their discussions will be kept in complete confidence. Any questions concerning the foregoing should be directed to Joel Westa, CSI’s President/CEO and the sole spokesperson who is authorized to answer them.