Sevenstar Officially Partners with CSI

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Sevenstar has become an official corporate partner of Christian Schools International. Christian Schools International began working with Sevenstar, an industry leader in online education for Christian schools, in 2014. Working with Sevenstar allowed CSI to significantly broaden offerings provided through CSIonline Academy, an effort launched in 2012.

“As online learning participation grows among students at CSI schools, we are confident that the team at Sevenstar, the product and service they offer, as well as the biblical worldview they present, best meet the needs of our schools and their students,” said Marita Damghani, CSI’s digital learning consultant.

Sevenstar offers a robust course catalog for a variety of student needs, online teaching opportunities for educators, professional development events for teachers and administrators, and a complete arsenal of resources and consulting for Christian schools looking to launch their own online schools.

“We hope CSI member schools embrace the numerous opportunities Sevenstar’s programming has to offer by working directly through them versus using CSIonline Academy as a gateway,” said Damghani. “Schools can broaden their own course offerings, meet needs of a variety of student learning levels from credit rescue to dual enrollment, and even launch their own online school program with the support of Sevenstar’s full staff and teachers.”

Member schools will utilize the current method of registering their schools to participate with CSIonline Academy/Sevenstar via the Sevenstar website through the spring and for summer credit rescue courses. In July, the transition will occur, allowing schools to register directly through Sevenstar for all of their online learning endeavors. Schools that currently have students participating or that have participated in the past will continue using their Maestro/Sevenstar URL and login to enroll students. Beginning in July, member schools wishing to participate with Sevenstar online courses for the first time will be able to navigate to helpful links for online courses, additional professional development events, and consulting through Sevenstar via the CSI website.

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