Job Description
The Director of Finance is a Holland Christian Schools staff member, who reports directly to the Head of Schools.
The position offered will be a partial FTE contract basis of up to approximately 15-20 hours per week.
Salary is commensurate with experience and ability, and includes benefits on a prorated basis if 50% FTE is assigned.
The Director of Finance must show a commitment to support and be theologically aligned to the Biblical and theological basis for the Church as expressed in the Reformed Creedal Standards and affirm the common Reformed confessions – such as the Three Forms of Unity (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort), the Westminster Standards (Westminster Larger and Smaller Catechism, and the Westminster Confession of Faith), or the Second London Baptist Confession – as historic Reformed expressions of the Christian faith, whose doctrines fully agree with the Word of God. He/she must also be an active member of a Bible-believing church whose teaching and preaching agrees with the statement of beliefs of this school.
There must also be a declared intent to enroll current and prospective children of his/her family in Holland Christian School.
- Provide leadership and direction for the fiduciary aspects of the school.
- Assist in providing supervision and direction for the operational aspects of the school.
- Assist and direct the business office support staff of the school.
- Develop and maintain a posture of integrity in all financial and operational aspects of the school.
- Assist in developing an ongoing maintenance plan for facilities and assist the Head of Schools in implementing the design of such a plan.
- Assist in the management of the student account processes for students.
- Demonstrate a strong commitment to the advancement of Christian Education.
- Establish procedures and policies that will be in compliance with state and federal regulations.
- Facilitate the coordination of the annual audit processes
A. Financial
- Responsible for leadership in the preparation of the annual budget as directed by the Head of Schools.
- Administrate the budget with regard to expenditures and revenues.
- Develop annual metrics for budget, monitor progress, and establish projections as required to insure performance.
- Direct facets of the accounting for operations, payroll, tuition accounts, foundation accounts, capital fund accounts, and any other accounts as each building may require; supervise and evaluate personnel involved.
- Provide direction and supervision regarding the purchase of supplies and equipment.
- Direct in collaboration with the Director of Advancement and the Head of Schools the bid process and selection of vendors, contractors, and suppliers.
- Provide regular reporting to the Head of Schools and the Board Operations Committee on the current financial condition of the school. In addition, make suggestions for improvement and propose solutions to financial challenges.
- Provide for the execution of an annual audit.
- In collaboration with the Director of Advancement, the Investment Committee and the Foundation Board, monitor and recommend optimal investment of school funds.
- In collaboration with the Head of Schools and admissions/marketing personnel, work in concert on the development of enrollment procedures, forms, projections, and data.
- Direct the application and distribution process of any tuition assistance programs available to parents with a financial aid committee being a final appeal process for those families requesting additional financial aid.
- Responsible for tuition collection programs and policies, in addition to the continuous review and development of tuition structures and systems.
- Review and secure the most efficient and effective systems used for all financial aspects of the school.
B. Human Resources
- Formulate and manage the salary and fringe benefit schedules and policies for all
- Formulate and manage the salary and fringe benefit schedules and policies for all employees.
C. Facilities
- Assist in the development and implementation of an ongoing plan for general maintenance of buildings.
- In conjunction with the Board, assist in providing direction for the long-range plan for facilities anticipated through changes in enrollment, programs, or demographics.
- In cooperation with the Head of Schools and Director of Advancement, provide direction and serve as a liaison for construction projects, as approved by the Board and/or Operations Committee.
- Assist with the supervision of custodial staff and those involved with the maintenance of the grounds; this is done in conjunction with the director of operations supervisor, head of schools, and building principals.
- Direct and maintain technology required for operating the school outside of the area of instruction.
- Support and interface in budget management and planning with Food Services
D. General
- Represent Holland Christian Schools in any capacity related to operations or as assigned by the Head of Schools or Board.
- Serve as a liaison with the business and industry community for Holland Christian Schools.
- Establish appropriate lines of communication with the Directors of Instruction, Advancement, Technology, Human Resources, and Admissions/Marketing.
- Direct all aspects of transportation responsibilities of the school, such as purchasing, maintenance, certification of both equipment and drivers, and the coordination of routes and usage.
E. Additional Expectations
- Displays a professional demeanor and presence with internal and external customers and co-workers that connote a friendly, knowledgeable, and approachable, yet authoritative, resource person. Observable behaviors of this include warmth, sense of humor, enthusiasm, interest, energy, mental alertness, and positive, even-tempered disposition.
- Builds successful teams by developing direction and structure, facilitating goals accomplishment, and involving others; informs others on teams and models commitment.
- Supports and positively embraces changes. Sets goals, measures performance, and seeks ways to continuously improve business/school processes. Constructively identifies and/or implements changes to improve timeliness, quality, and costs.
- Consistently demonstrates working behavior with a high degree of honesty and integrity. Works conscientiously, confidentially, and discreetly in all matters, including such things as accurate and honest record-keeping, openness in working with and sharing information with co-workers, and accurately represents the school.
- Demonstrates emotional maturity and self-control to remain positive during periods of stress and changes. Manages conflict and coaches others in managing conflict by dealing effectively with others in antagonistic situations; uses appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to reduce tension or conflicts.