Job Description
Job Description
- Christian with a testimony of saving faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
- In agreement with the Statement of Faith, Sexuality Statement
- Active member/regular attender of a Bible-believing church
- Part Time (20+ hrs. / wk)
- School Year: Instructional days of OCS school calendar
- Hourly Employee
Reports To: Principal
Mission of Oskaloosa Christian:
The mission of Oskaloosa Christian is to assist parents in equipping their children to be effective disciples of Jesus Christ.
Personal Profile for all Oskaloosa Christian School Employees:
- Committed to growth in the development of a Biblical worldview
- Displays a spiritually mature Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions
- Shows by example the importance of Scripture study, prayer, witnessing, and unity in Christian fellowship
- Meets everyday stress with emotional stability and optimism
- Displays a friendly, approachable, courteous, flexible, and self-controlled attitude
2. Committed to Christ-centered education and the mission of Oskaloosa Christian
- Understands the importance of this position in fulfilling the mission and vision of the school
- Submits and is loyal to constituted authority with a teachable spirit
- Refrains from gossip with or about other employees and maintains confidentiality with student clients
- Represents the school in a favorable, professional manner to its constituency and the public
- Maintains a personal appearance in accordance with school policy
- Follows the Matthew 18 principles in dealing with conflict
- Loves children and serves with joy and energy
- Committed to hard work and desires to meet or exceed expectations
- Demonstrates the capacity to initiate and support change that improves the excellence of the organization
Professional Profile:
- Demonstrates ability to organize and manage schedules and people to complete an athletic event
- Demonstrates skills necessary to build rapport and positive relationships with students, staff, and parents
- Provides direction and communication to athletes and parents about pertinent issues and schedule changes
- Demonstrates competence in athletic best practices in schools
- Fulfills professional responsibility established by the school
- Demonstrates consistent spiritual leadership in duties performed
- Collects and administrates student athlete signup and paperwork thereof
- Sets, communicates and conducts the parent meetings for each season
- Develops a set schedule for volleyball and girls/boys basketball
- Hands out and collects uniforms, orders new uniforms and equipment
- Hires and manages all coaches and referees for athletic contests
- Arranges the transportation and bus drivers for away contests
- Point person for all home contests
- Conscientiously fulfills responsibilities of assigned duties
- Performs other tasks willingly, as assigned by the Principal
* Can be coupled with other open positions at OCS
Hourly wage commensurate with experience. Please fill out the Non Teaching Application at: